The Belmont Squirt AA2 has been breaking barriers in the hockey community. The Belmont team has made some remarkable inclusions within their team. Their goaltender Theo Hicks is deaf and skater Ryder Simmons has progressive hearing loss. Ryder's father Justin is an assistant coach who has been deaf since he was 18 months old.
This can pose some struggles with communication, but the team has found ways to create an inclusive environment for their teammates. After a great play, teammates tap their sticks, give thumbs up and head nods to express their joy. They make every effort to ensure the boys feel comfortable and are included in every aspect of the game.
The team has also brought interpreters onto the bench at games and onto the ice at practices, while also getting volunteer high school hockey players to come and shadow the kids at practice. They also explain the team's story to the referee at the start of every game.
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